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International Safeguards in the Design of Reprocessing Plants

IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NF-T-3.2

English STI/PUB/1866 ¦ 978-92-0-104519-5

62 pages ¦ 15 figures ¦ € 34.00 ¦ Date published: 2019

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This publication is part of a series that aims to inform nuclear facility designers, vendors, operators and State governments about IAEA safeguards and how associated requirements can be considered early in the design phase of a new nuclear facility. This particular publication is applicable to the design of spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plants. Safeguards by design dialogue undertaken early in the design and construction of reprocessing plants, facilitates the implementation of safeguards throughout all the life cycle stages of the facility. The potential to reduce costs, avoid retrofits and achieve efficiencies both for the operator and for IAEA Member States, are important drivers for the early consideration of safeguards in a nuclear facility design project.

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IAEA Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Fuel, Technical Reports, Practical Examples, Safeguards, Design, Nuclear Material, Facility Decommissioning, Nuclear Material Accountancy, Containment, Evaluation Systems, Spent Fuel, Chemical Processing, Best Practices, Reprocessing, Safety

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