This publication presents the results of an IAEA coordinated research project entitled Development of Nuclear Security Assessment Methodologies (NUSAM) for Regulated Facilities. It includes a description of the completed NUSAM methodology as well as the results of applying that methodology to three case studies covering the following facilities/activities: a nuclear power plant, an irradiator facility and radioactive material transport.
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Nuclear Industry, Security Measures, Nuclear Facilities, Mathematical Models, NUSAM, Nuclear Security Assessment Methodologies, Regulated Facilities, CRP, Coordinated Research Project, Regulated Facilities, Regulatory Control, Case Studies, Nuclear Power Plant, Irradiator Facility, Radioactive Material Transport, Scenario Analysis Process, Methodological Framework, Process, Planning, Information, Target Identification, Data Libraries, Requirements, Performance Metrics, Path Analysis, Critical Systems, Failure Modes, Risks, SA, Security Assessment, Assessment Tools, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Industry, Medicine, Research, Nuclear Material, Radioactive Sources, Waste Management, Software, Probability of Detection, PD, Threat Assessment, Failure Modes