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Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable Development (FR17)

Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 26–29 June 2017

Proceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency

English STI/PUB/1836 ¦ 978-92-0-108618-1

260 pages ¦ 49 figures ¦ € 43.00 ¦ Date published: 2018

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This publication presents the proceedings of an IAEA international conference in the field of fast reactors and related fuel cycle technologies. The conference provided a unique forum to discuss national and international fast reactor programmes, to analyse new experience and development advances arising from research and development programmes, and to identify needs to be addressed in relation to the industrial deployment of fast reactors. The conference also included two panel events devoted to safety design criteria for sodium cooled fast reactors and small and medium-sized fast reactors. An event dedicated to young professionals involved in fast reactor programmes and projects was organized as a plenary session. About 200 oral technical presentations and 200 posters complemented the overall picture of the scientific and the state of the art technical developments worldwide. The proceedings comprise a summary of the different technical, plenary and young generation event sessions as well as the opening, closing and plenary speeches delivered during the conference. A CD-ROM with contributed papers (which are also available online) accompanies the publication.

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Proceedings, Reactor Technology, Congresses, Fast Reactor Programmes, Fuel Cycles Sustainability, Nuclear Systems, Sustainable Development, Yekaterinburg, Research and Development, Industrial Deployment, Countries, Design Features, Validation, Operation, Decommissioning, Commissioning, Operating Experience, Waste Management, Safety, Accidents, Innovative Reactor Designs, Probabilistic Safety Assessment, Safety Measures, Analysis, Fast Reactor Materials, Fuels, Structure, Modelling, Simulations, Thermal Hydraulics, Economics, Proliferation Issues, Professional Development, Knowledge Management, Conclusions, Safety Design Criteria, SDC, Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor, SFR, Closed Fuel Cycle

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