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Case Study on Assessment of Radiological Environmental Impact from Potential Exposure


English IAEA-TECDOC-1914 ¦ 978-92-0-108220-6

194 pages ¦ 149 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2020

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This publication presents a set of examples of different approaches for estimating potential exposures in different countries based on participants’ experience and considering the IAEA Safety Standard on a generic framework for consideration of radiological environmental impact, including potential exposures. It is intended to support the development of a common understanding in assessing the population health risks from potential accident scenarios in a nuclear power plant. This publication will contribute to further improvement of the INPRO (International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles) methodology for sustainability assessment of nuclear energy systems (NESs) and can help Member States applying this methodology to perform a NES assessment in the areas of safety and environment. The publication is intended for use by organizations involved in development and deployment of NESs including planning, design, modification, technical support and operation of nuclear power plants.

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INPRO, International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles, Public Exposure, Nuclear Accident, Dose Calculation, Probabilistic Assessment, Radiological Exposure, Environmental Impact, Model Case Studies, Meteorology, Exposure Scenarios, Protective Actions, Design, DBA, Design Basis Accident, LWR, Light Water Reactor, NES, Nuclear Energy System, NPP, Nuclear Power Plant, PWR, Pressurized Water Reactor, Reactor Core, MMD, Mass Media Diameter, Dose, Exposure, Safety, Environment, Fuel

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