The technical approach described in this publication builds on the use of a single unit probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) and identifies considerations that are needed from the multi-unit perspective. This is the first attempt to expand the current PSA process to take account of multi-unit issues, and has been done by distilling lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident and other multi-unit events, and by reviewing previous PSAs and supporting research that have addressed the risks of multi-unit accidents. The publication provides a roadmap and methodology for performing a multi-unit PSA, proposes a set of site level risk metrics, and presents examples of approaches to resolve specific issues.
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Nuclear Power Plants, Risk Assessment, Nuclear Reactors, Safety Measures, Industrial Safety, Probabilistic Safety Assessment, PSA, Multi Unit Perspective, Lessons Learned, Fukushima Daiichi Accident, Multiple Reactor Units, Methodology, Multi Unit PSA, MUPSA, Site Level Risk Metrics, Technical Approach, External Events, Tsunami Vulnerability, Seismic, Fire, Floods, Site Evaluation, Single Reactor Unit, External Hazards, Internal Hazards, Deterministic Evaluation Models, Good Practices, System Models, Event Sequence Analysis, Radiological Consequences, Results, Documentation, Core Damage Frequency, CDF, Loss of Off-Site Power, OECD, Model, Terminology, Initiating Events, Human Errors, Frequency Quantification, Risk Integration, Multi Unit Sites, Deterministic Safety Analyses, System Models, Risk Assessment, Correlation