This publication provides information on detailed methodologies and examples in the application of volcanic hazard assessment to site evaluation for nuclear installations, thereby addressing the recommendations in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-21, Volcanic Hazards in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations. It demonstrates the practicability of evaluating the recommendations through a systematic volcanic hazard assessment and examples from Member States. The results of this hazard assessment can be used to derive the appropriate design bases and operational considerations for specific nuclear installations.
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Safety Analysis, Nuclear Facilities, Volcanic Hazard Analysis, Hazard Screening, Petrology, Nuclear Power Plants, Safety Measures, Assessment, Nuclear Installations, Design, Member States, Sources,Tectono Magmatic Model, Methodology, Site Evaluation, Mexico, Recurrence Rates, Data Analysis, Short Term, Long Term Trends, Statistical Models, USA, Armenia, Tephra Fallout, Atmospheric Phenomena, Hydrothermal Activity, Tsunamis, Volcano Monitoring, Pyroclastic Density, Laharic Flows