Spent nuclear fuel which is generated in the operation of nuclear reactors needs to be safely managed following its removal from the reactor core. On-site power reactor storage pools were designed on the assumption that after a short period of time spent nuclear fuel would be removed for reprocessing and disposal or further storage elsewhere. The amount of highly radioactive spent fuel that needs to be stored over longer periods of time is growing and additional storage capacity is required. One of the widely used options for additional storage capacity is the use of casks for dry storage of spent fuel. Among various existing dry storage concepts, several Member States are utilizing a concept of dual purpose casks (DPCs). This publication provides practical advice on the structure and contents of a DPC integrated safety case with reference to existing IAEA requirements relevant to the licensing and use of transport and storage casks for spent fuel.
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Methodology, Safety Case, DPC, Dual Purpose Cask, Storage, Transport, Spent Fuel, Safety, Cask, Fuel, Nuclear Reactor, Reactor Core, Power Reactor, Storage Pool, Nuclear Fuel, Reprocessing, Disposal, Dry Storage, Integrated Safety, Design, Acceptance Criteria, Ageing, Compliance, Regulatory Requirement, Operation, Management, Decommissioning, Technical Assessment, Analysis, Structural, Thermal, External Dose Rate, Criticality Safety, Radiation Shielding, Heat Dissipation, Containment, Guidance, SSC, Structure, System, Component