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Treatment of Residual Sodium and Sodium Potassium from Fast Reactors

Review of Recent Accomplishments, Challenges and Technologies


English IAEA-TECDOC-1769 ¦ 978-92-0-106315-1

64 pages ¦ 28 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2015

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This publication covers a range of topics related to removal of residual radioactive sodium and sodium potassium coolant from reactor vessels and components in connection with decommissioning of liquid metal cooled reactors. The testing and application of relevant key technologies in five countries at a number of facilities are described. The technologies include passivation of the residuals, methods to control and monitor the processes, and also gaining access to locations that are difficult to reach and where residual sodium may be found. Non-radioactive sodium waste is not specifically considered in this publication. However, the approach, procedures, and recommendations that apply to safe management of radioactive sodium waste are also largely applicable to non-radioactive sodium. In addition to the technical topics, lessons learned for management of removal and disposal of residual sodium and sodium potassium are also presented.

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Reactor Technology, Nuclear Reactors, Fast Reactors, Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors, Safety Measures, Reactor Decommissioning, Sodium Potassium, Sodium Alloys, Technology Assessment, Waste Storage

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