Learning and training

The IAEA offers a wide spectrum of learning and training activities, as well as educational resources and capacity-building programmes. These include face-to-face training courses and workshops, fellowship programmes and schools on various nuclear-related topics. The IAEA also offers more than 120 online learning courses and webinars, from beginner to expert level, which can be accessed after registering with the Agency’s Nucleus portal (registration and login accessible when choosing a specific online course).


Basic concepts: Nuclear material accounting in facilities

The eLearning modules presented in this course cover basic concepts in nuclear material accounting (NMA) for facilities, LOF’s and Pre-34C material balance areas.   After completing these modules you will be able to correctly fill an Inventory Change Report, Physical Inventory Listing and a Mater


Basic Training Course on IAEA Safeguards

Course Objective:The objective of this online training course is to provide you with a basic understanding of IAEA Safeguards  and give you an overview of the resources that are available for States to strengthen the safeguards implementation in their countries. First released in September 2020.A


Basics of Stakeholder Involvement: Understanding Stakeholder Involvement as a Strategic Tool for a Nuclear Power Programme

This webinar is the first of the IAEA Webinar Series on stakeholder involvement related to nuclear power.


Boiling Water Reactors: An Introduction to History, Advanced Designs, and Global Deployment

This module introduces the history, advanced designs, and global deployment of boiling water reactors.AVAILABLE IN ADDITIONAL UN LANGUAGESTarget audience: Young professionals, stakeholders, and new entrants to the area.


Capacitacion Nacional sobre Control Regulador de la Radioterapia para la Direcccion de Tecnologia Nuclear de Bolivia, 2023

El propósito de la capacitación es presentar mejores prácticas internacionales que se utilizan en la regulación de seguridad radiológica y de seguridad física de la práctica de radioterapia considerando los equipos y técnicas de tratamiento existentes en este país.


Cardiovascular Imaging


Categorization of Radioactive Material

This course is designed to help learners understand the radioactive material categorization system described in the IAEA Safety Guide “Categorization of Radioactive Sources” No. RS-G-1.9 and how it applies to security.


Cervical Cancer Network


Chemometrics Add-in for Excel (CAFE)

This e-leaning course aims to provide an overview on Chemometrics Add-in For Excel (CAFE).


Clinical PET/CT

Establishing a clinical protocolClinical applicationsArtefacts and normal variantsClinical Imaging with 68Ga PET - Radiopharmaceuticals and Therapy


Communicating about Nuclear Waste: Clarifying Waste Options and Opportunities

The eleventh webinar in this series will present some effective ways to engage stakeholders on radioactive waste as well as existing solutions and approaches for its management, with a special focus on disposal.

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