The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s 4th annual Week of Science and Technology (Semaine de la Science et des Technologies) has taken place at the Inistitut de la Gombe in Kinshasa on 17 and 18 April 2017. The event was organised by the association Investing In People (IIP), led by Professor Raissa Malu, in association with the Ministry of Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education, the Ministry of Scientific Research, and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
The IAEA, represented by Mr Abdou Salam Ndiath, Programme Management Officer in the Division for Africa, participated in a joint exhibition and event with representatives of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Atomic Energy Commission, presenting posters and other information material. Mr Ndiath gave a talk on the topic ‘Africa and the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Applications’, highlighting the Agency’s role in the peaceful application of nuclear science and technology.
The Semaine de la Science was opened with a plenary discussion on ‘Science for Sustainable Development in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities’, a topic in which the IAEA’s technical cooperation programme is actively involved. This was followed by a range of lectures and presentations on numerous scientific topics, including the application of nuclear technology for development, the use of molecular sciences in health, epidemiology, cyber security, and a presentation on opportunities in Africa. Most speakers focused heavily on communication and advocacy, making the Semaine de la Science a unique event for the promotion of science and technology for development.