The IAEA has an online catalogue of thousands of scientific and technical publications, made available for free download and covering a wide spectrum of topics related to the peaceful use of nuclear science and technology. These publications are used by technical experts, scientists and students across the world. With over 4000 publications available, in 2022 IAEA publications were accessed more than 2.2 million times.
The IAEA promotes multilingualism and disseminates scientific and technical content in all the UN official languages. These are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. In 2022 the IAEA issued 98 translations of IAEA publications, and at the end of 2021, a multilingual publications web portal was launched on, making these publications more accessible to a wider international audience.
To mark this year’s World Book and Copyright Day on 23 April and celebrate the role of books as drivers of scientific, technical and cultural progress, here are the three most accessed IAEA publications in 2022 in English: