To promote the practical use of nuclear techniques worldwide, the IAEA collaborates with designated institutions around the world. Through a Collaborating Centres network, these organizations assist the IAEA by undertaking original research, development and training relating to nuclear science, technologies and their safe and secure applications.
During the IAEA’s 63rd General Conference that took place last month, the IAEA designated several institutions as IAEA Collaborating Centres and announced other recently designated centres. These are:
- The China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) that, through its State Nuclear Security Technology Center (SNSTC) and the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), collaborates in research, development, testing and training on nuclear security detection and physical protection technologies.
- The Institute of Energy Technology (IFE), in Norway, with cooperation focusing on the digitalization of knowledge management for nuclear decommissioning.
- The Malaysian Nuclear Agency (MNA), where staff will collaborate in research, development and training in nuclear sciences and applications.
- The National Cancer Institution (NCI) in Cairo, Egypt, where researchers will collaborate in the areas of cancer control and radiation research.
- Rosatom Tech, in Russia, in the field of knowledge management and human resources development for nuclear energy and nuclear security.
- Italy’s Nuclear Plant Management Company (SOGIN), as Collaborating Centre on knowledge transfer and training in nuclear decommissioning.
- The Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT), whose work focuses on water resources assessment and management.
“With the newly designated institutions, there are now 40 active IAEA Collaborating Centres worldwide, with ongoing discussions in several countries to establish new Centres,” said Sasha Damjanac, Head of the IAEA’s Research Contracts Administration Section. Focusing on research, development and training, this Collaborating Centre scheme helps reach important targets of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, he added.
In order to be eligible for consideration as an IAEA Collaborating Centre, an institution must have a minimum of two years of successful collaboration with the IAEA — for example, through participation in IAEA-supported coordinated research activities or in hosting fellows and training courses, or in the provision of expertise under the IAEA technical cooperation programme — and adhere to nuclear safety and security guidelines and principles.
Selection criteria include the scientific and technical standing of the institution, the prospective stability in terms of personnel, activities and funding, or the technical relevance of its activities to the IAEA’s programmatic priorities.