Research Contracts Administration Section

Two key IAEA activities are administered by this Section: the Coordinated Research Activities and the Collaborating Centres scheme.

Stimulating research in nuclear fields

The IAEA’s Statute mandates it to encourage and assist research on atomic energy for peaceful uses and its practical application. This also fosters the exchange of scientific and technical information and the exchange of scientists in that field. The IAEA Coordinated Research Activities have been designed to stimulate and coordinate the undertaking of research in selected nuclear fields by scientists in IAEA and FAO Member States.

The Research Contracts Administration Section manages all aspects of these Activities for all of the Agency’s major programmes, including financial and programmatic planning and implementation that relates to research, technical and doctoral contracts and research agreements, as well as Coordinated Research Projects and Research Coordination Meetings. 

Promoting research, development and training worldwide

To promote the practical use of nuclear techniques worldwide and help the IAEA implement its own programmatic activities, the Agency collaborates with designated Member State institutions. Focusing on research, development and training, this collaborating centres scheme helps reach important targets of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The Section manages all aspects of the scheme for all IAEA major programmes. This comprises programmatic planning, the preparation of the collaborating centre agreement and follow-up during the four-year designation of the centres.

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