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Connect, Learn and Present: Opportunities for Young Professionals at the IAEA International Conference on Radiation Safety


IAEA regularly engages young professionals in various nuclear areas in its activities. (Photo: D. Calma/IAEA)

As the continued safe use of radiation in industry, medicine, and research depends on the availability of radiation protection experts with the necessary skills and experience to address challenges in the future, the IAEA is offering a series of special events and opportunities for young professionals at the upcoming International Conference on Radiation Safety: Improving Radiation Protection in Practice from 9 to 13 November 2020 in Vienna, Austria.

“Many of the technologies that enhance our daily life, involve the use of radiation and radiation sources,” said Tony Colgan, Head of the IAEA Radiation Protection Unit . “All of us have a responsibility to ensure that young professionals have the experience and skills necessary to address new challenges in radiation safety so that the benefits enjoyed by society can be sustainably maintained and further enhanced.”

Students and professionals from different radiation safety areas under the age of 35 are encouraged to submit extended abstracts by the 8 May. A selected number of them will have a chance to present their research during the conference sessions. Abstracts are expected to reflect their thoughts and experience and in applying the current system of radiological protection based on the IAEA International Basic Safety Standards (BSS) on Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources to the protection of workers, patients, the public and the environment from both natural and artificial radiation sources.

Others will be selected to participate in the technical sessions as co-Chairs. “Participation in this international meeting will allow young professionals to share their work, broaden their outlook, and embrace new ideas and concepts in radiation safety field,” added Colgan.

The IAEA is also organizing a professional development programme as a part of the conference with the objective of connecting interested young people with experienced professionals across many fields in radiation safety. There will be a speaker series in which experts from various fields in radiation safety will offer insight into their career path as well as advice.

The event will include a networking reception where young professionals will have the opportunity to connect and make themselves and their work known in the radiation safety community.

“Participating in conferences is an excellent way for young professionals to showcase their research and build professional relationships with their peers,” said Maxwell Daniels, President of United Nations Nuclear Young Generation (UN-NYG). “Young professionals are the future of this field. By both sharing and learning new research and concepts, we will become the next generation of experienced professionals.”

How to apply

All interested participants  for the oral or poster presentations at the conference must submit an extended abstract on one of the conference topics. Abstracts, to a maximum of two printed A4 pages, should be submitted electronically through the IAEA submission system (IAEA-INDICO).

The conference is also open to those participants who wish to attend without making an oral or poster presentation. More information can be found here.

Participants who register to attend the conference with or without abstracts will be contacted by the IAEA at the latest in September 2020 with further instructions on how to participate in young professional activities.

For more information, please send an email.

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