Photo Essays

22 July 2020
Радиоактивный материал может оказаться на месте преступления в результате умышленных злонамеренных действий, таких как хищение или незаконный оборот материала. Другой причиной может быть случайное повреждение преступниками оборудования, содержащего радиоактивные источники. В любом случае место преступления, на котором может находиться радиоактивный материал, требует особого внимания. В сотрудничестве с Управлением по ядерному регулированию Армении МАГАТЭ создало инсценированное место преступления с радиоактивным материалом и загрязненными вещественными доказательствами для имитации проведения расследования и сбора улик с соблюдением техники безопасности.

Практика, практика, практика: особенно осторожная работа на месте преступления с радиоактивным материалом и загрязненными уликами

Радиоактивный материал может оказаться на месте преступления в результате умышленных злонамеренных действий, таких как хищение или незаконный оборот материала.

30 June 2020
Radioactive material can end up on crime scenes as a result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material. It can also be the result of criminals causing unintentional damage to machinery that contains radioactive sources. Regardless of the cause, a crime scene at which radioactive material may be present, requires special care. In cooperation with the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, the IAEA created a mock crime scene with radioactive material and contaminated evidence to simulate investigation and evidence collection in a safe and secure manner.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Taking Special Care to Manage Crime Scene with Radioactive Material and Contaminated Evidence

Radioactive material at crime scenes can be the result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material for illicit purposes.

30 June 2020
Radioactive material can end up on crime scenes as a result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material. It can also be the result of criminals causing unintentional damage to machinery that contains radioactive sources. Regardless of the cause, a crime scene at which radioactive material may be present, requires special care. In cooperation with the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, the IAEA created a mock crime scene with radioactive material and contaminated evidence to simulate investigation and evidence collection in a safe and secure manner.

La importancia de la capacitación y de extremar las medidas para la gestión del lugar del delito con presencia de material radiactivo y de pruebas contaminadas (en inglés)

Radioactive material at crime scenes can be the result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material for illicit purposes.

30 June 2020
Radioactive material can end up on crime scenes as a result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material. It can also be the result of criminals causing unintentional damage to machinery that contains radioactive sources. Regardless of the cause, a crime scene at which radioactive material may be present, requires special care. In cooperation with the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, the IAEA created a mock crime scene with radioactive material and contaminated evidence to simulate investigation and evidence collection in a safe and secure manner.

S’exercer, encore et encore : précautions à prendre lors de la conduite des opérations sur le lieu d’un délit impliquant des matières radioactives et des preuves contaminées (en anglais)

Radioactive material at crime scenes can be the result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material for illicit purposes.

30 June 2020
Radioactive material can end up on crime scenes as a result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material. It can also be the result of criminals causing unintentional damage to machinery that contains radioactive sources. Regardless of the cause, a crime scene at which radioactive material may be present, requires special care. In cooperation with the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, the IAEA created a mock crime scene with radioactive material and contaminated evidence to simulate investigation and evidence collection in a safe and secure manner.


Radioactive material at crime scenes can be the result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material for illicit purposes.

30 June 2020
Radioactive material can end up on crime scenes as a result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material. It can also be the result of criminals causing unintentional damage to machinery that contains radioactive sources. Regardless of the cause, a crime scene at which radioactive material may be present, requires special care. In cooperation with the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, the IAEA created a mock crime scene with radioactive material and contaminated evidence to simulate investigation and evidence collection in a safe and secure manner.

الممارسة، ثم الممارسة، ثم الممارسة: ضرورة العناية الخاصة بإدارة مسرح جريمة تنطوي على مواد مشعّة ودليل ملوَّث (باللغة الإنكليزية)

Radioactive material at crime scenes can be the result of intentional malicious acts such as theft or trafficking of material for illicit purposes.

5 March 2019
Panama City, 23 January 2019. Crowds cheered as Pope Francis arrived at the Tocumen International Airport for World Youth Day 2019. Panama, the first Central American country to host the World Youth Day, cooperated with the IAEA to ensure nuclear security at the event.

Nuclear Security in Major Public Events: World Youth Day 2019

5 March 2019
Panama City, 23 January 2019. Crowds cheered as Pope Francis arrived at the Tocumen International Airport for World Youth Day 2019. Panama, the first Central American country to host the World Youth Day, cooperated with the IAEA to ensure nuclear security at the event.

الأمن النووي في أثناء حدث عام كبير: اليوم العالمي للشباب ٢٠١٩ (باللغة الإنكليزية)

5 March 2019
Panama City, 23 January 2019. Crowds cheered as Pope Francis arrived at the Tocumen International Airport for World Youth Day 2019. Panama, the first Central American country to host the World Youth Day, cooperated with the IAEA to ensure nuclear security at the event.


5 March 2019
Panama City, 23 January 2019. Crowds cheered as Pope Francis arrived at the Tocumen International Airport for World Youth Day 2019. Panama, the first Central American country to host the World Youth Day, cooperated with the IAEA to ensure nuclear security at the event.

Sécurité nucléaire aux grandes manifestations publiques : Journée mondiale de la jeunesse 2019 (en anglais)

5 March 2019
Panama City, 23 January 2019. Crowds cheered as Pope Francis arrived at the Tocumen International Airport for World Youth Day 2019. Panama, the first Central American country to host the World Youth Day, cooperated with the IAEA to ensure nuclear security at the event.

Физическая ядерная безопасность на крупных общественных мероприятиях: Всемирный день молодежи 2019 года (на англ. языке)

5 March 2019
Panama City, 23 January 2019. Crowds cheered as Pope Francis arrived at the Tocumen International Airport for World Youth Day 2019. Panama, the first Central American country to host the World Youth Day, cooperated with the IAEA to ensure nuclear security at the event.

La seguridad física nuclear en los grandes eventos públicos: Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, 2019 (en inglés)

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