Fifth Joint IAEA-GIF Technical Meeting on Safety of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
One of the key areas in both the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and the IAEA programmes on innovative nuclear systems is the harmonization of safety approach, safety requirements, safety design criteria (SDC) and safety design guidelines (SDG) for the GEN-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SDC-SFR). This topic has gained an increased importance in the aftermath of the accident that occurred in 2011 at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant.
In this framework, a series of joint IAEA-GIF Workshops on Safety of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFR) has been held since 2010. Continuing these efforts, the fifth joint IAEA-GIF Technical Meeting/Workshop on "Safety of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors" is held on 23-24 June 2015 at the IAEA.
The main purpose of the Technical Meeting/Workshop is to present and discuss:
- Updated SFR SDC/SDG and Related Activities;
- Implementation of SDC by Designers of Innovative SFRs Concepts; and
- Safety Design Guidelines on Specific Structures, Systems and Components.
Opening Session
- Opening Remarks, Mr. M. Chudakov, DDG NE IAEA
- Opening Remarks, Mr. H. McFarlane, GIF
- Licensing framework for advanced reactors DOE-NRC initiative, Ms. J. Mazza, NRC, USA
- Regulatory design evaluation of advanced reactors in Canada, Mr R. Rulko, NSC, Canada
Session 1: Updated SFR SDC/SDG and Related Activities
- Status of the international review on SFR SDC Phase I report and SDG development in Phase II, Mr R. Nakai, GIF, SDC-TF
- Response to USNRC comments on SDC Phase I Report, Mr T. Sofu, GIF, SDC-TF
- Response to IAEA comments on SDC Phase I Report, Mr Y. Okano, GIF, SDC-TF
- IRSN comments on the SDC-TF/2013/1, Mr. S. Monti on behalf of Mr D. Blanc IRSN, France
Session 2: Implementation of SDC by Designers of Innovative SFRs Concepts (1)- Reactor core and fuel design featuring fuel material characteristics, i.e. oxide, metal, nitride, etc.
- ASTRID safety approach and roadmapping 1, Mr B. Carluec, AREVA, FranceASTRID safety approach and roadmapping 2, Mr P. Dufour, CEA, France
- GRS activities for the safety assessment of fast spectrum systems, Mr A. Seubert, GRS, Germany
- Safety design approach for JSFR core and fuel featuring fuel material characteristics, Mr S. Kubo, JAEA, Japan
- Fundamental approach to safety design of prototype Gen IV SFR, Mr T-H. Lee, KAERI, Republic of Korea
- Provision of safety design criteria for Generation-IV sodium-cooled fast reactor system: implementation in the BN-1200 reactor design, Mr I. Bylov, OKBM, Russia
- Overview of ESFR Safety Design Strategy, Mr. H. Tsige-Tamirat, EC DG-JRC, IET, Petten, The Netherlands
Session 3: Safety Design Guidelines on Specific Structures, Systems and Components
- Status of "Safety Design Guidelines on Safety Approach and Design Conditions", Mr S. Kubo, GIF, SDC-TF
- Status of the SDG development for "reactor core", "reactor coolant system" and "containment", Mr S. Kubo, GIF, SDC-TF
Session 4: Implementation of SDC by Designers of Innovative SFRs Concepts (2) - Coolant system and containment design featuring SFR characteristics
- Status of PFBR and enhanced safety features of FBR 1 & 2 with respect to PFBR and GenIV reactors, Mr P. Chellapandi, IGCAR, India
- Structure, System and Component Designs of JSFR in relation to Sodium Chemical Reaction Issues, Mr Y. Okano, JAEA, Japan
- Safety issues of PRISM Steam Generator, Mr D. Powell, GE HITACHI, USA
All presentations are also available in the IAEA INIS Database