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Webinar: Medical Preparedness and Response for Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies

Date and time

Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Europe Summer Time (GMT+02:00)

View recording →


To reduce the impact of a nuclear or radiological emergency, it is necessary that any experts involved receive  adequate and continuous training at regular intervals. However, as incidences of medical radiological emergencies are low, many health professionals are not familiar with ionizing radiation, the effect of internal or external exposure nor with the clinical manifestations or the evolution of patients suffering from such exposure. Therefore, it is important that medical doctors receive continuous training on the medical management of patients and are prepared to diagnose and to initiate medical actions at an early stage, based on their awareness of the evolution of sickness in individuals overexposed.

This webinar aims to help medical doctors contribute to the management of nuclear or radiological emergencies in an efficient and coordinated manner. The webinar will cover topics featured in publications co-sponsored by IAEA and WHO, particularly Generic Procedures for Medical Response during a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency (IAEA/EPR- MEDICAL 2005).

The intended audience for the webinar is medical doctors, emergency medical personnel (who specialize in emergency medicine and may be involved in pre-hospital and hospital care for overexposed, injured or contaminated persons), and professionals working at institutions, regulatory bodies, hospitals or facilities that organize or provide medical response or are responsible for the management of patients exposed to radiation.


Ms M. Fukahori, IAEA
Mr T. Istvan, Professor, Doctoral School of Eötvös Lóránd University (Hungary): Radiation biology, and  external/internal contamination
Mr H. Tatsuzaki, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (Japan): Emergency medical management, and hospital preparedness
Ms R. Tamarat, Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (France): Acute radiation syndrome, local radiation injury, and advanced medical management


Mai Fukahori, IAEA

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