INPRO Membership
IINPRO's membership currently consists of 47 Members – 46 IAEA Member States and the European Commission (EC):
Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, United States of America, Vietnam and the EC. Several other countries participate on a working level or as observers in INPRO meetings.
Benefits of INPRO Membership
IAEA Member States and recognized international organizations can join INPRO and benefit from:
- International cooperation facilitated by INPRO;
- INPRO tools, models, publications and expertise;
- Participation in the INPRO Dialogue Forums and in collaborative projects;
- Results and findings of INPRO studies;
- Planning of activities and bringing national expertise to the Project through their representative in the INPRO Steering Committee.
Participation Modes
Since INPRO is funded primarily by extra-budgetary contributions of its members, there are several ways to contribute to the Project:
- Providing extra-budgetary funds;
- Providing cost-free experts to work with the INPRO Section at the IAEA;
- Performing agreed nuclear energy system assessment studies using the INPRO methodology; or
- Participating in INPRO collaborative projects.
Observers are not required to provide major contributions to INPRO. However, they are invited to finance their own attendance at INPRO meetings.
Application Process
1. The Head of the national government organization responsible for nuclear energy or the Head of an international organization submits a written request to the IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy through official channels, announcing the wish to join as a member or observer.
2. Once agreement on the mode of participation is reached through consultations, the Member State or organization is officially recognized as INPRO member, and it is invited to nominate its representative in the INPRO Steering Committee.