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What is the Best Metric to Quantify and Qualify Imaging Radiation Dose?

6 July 2022


Moderator: Jenia Vassileva (IAEA)

Presenter: Ehsan Samei (USA)

About the webinar

Imaging procedures utilizing ionizing radiation continue to advance rapidly and offer unprecedented benefits in health care. Even so, the potential harm from the associated radiation exposure has remained relevant and subject to strong public scrutiny.  The current metrics are either procedure-centric, which is limiting their relatability across imaging modalities, or negligent of the patient attributes of size, sex, or age. These factors that are known to strongly influence the potential harm to patients from the exposure to ionizing radiation. 

The webinar will detail the requirements for a metric that can gauge the radiation burden of imaging procedures in such a way that it is reflective of the attributes of the patient, the imaging procedure, and the latest scientific evidence on radiation effects.

Learning objectives

  1. To understand factors of relevance and the requirements to assess  radiation dose to patient from medical imaging procedures.
  2. To consider how a quantity might best be defined to capture imaging radiation dose and potential harm to patient from radiation exposure, when accounting for patient size, sex and age.


Ehsan Samei, PhD, DABR, FAAPM, FSPIE, FAIMBE, FIOMP, FACR is the Reed and Martha Rice Distinguished Professor, Chief Imaging Physicist, and director of Center for Virtual Imaging Trials at Duke University, USA. Author of over 330 referred papers, he is a clinical scientist aiming to bridge the gap between scientific scholarship and clinical practice through patient-centric imaging, effectual realization of translational research, and Medical Physics 3.0. His research focuses on virtual clinical trials, quantitative imaging, and in vitro and in vivo metrologies.

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