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Webinar on Nuclear Security Detection Architecture Strategy, Design and Planning –Perspectives from Finland and Jordan
Date and Time
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
14:00 Vienna (Austria) time
Duration: 1,5 hours
Nuclear security focuses on the prevention and detection of, and response to, criminal or
intentional unauthorized acts involving or directed at nuclear material, other radioactive material,
associated facilities, or associated activities. The Nuclear Security Detection Architecture
(NSDA) of a State is the integrated set of nuclear security systems and measures, based on an
appropriate legal and regulatory framework, needed to implement a national strategy for the
detection of nuclear or other radioactive material out of regulatory control (MORC).
To enable States to establish or enhance their NSDA and response frameworks, a clearly defined
process for design and planning is needed to ensure this is done in a structured and integrated
Development of a multilayered and risk informed approach to plan, design and implement nuclear
security systems and measures that incorporate the concept of defense-in-depth1 is critical. The
expected outputs of the planning process include a design plan and strategy which, through
cooperation and coordination among various competent authorities and other stakeholders, can
result in a more effective use of resources and capabilities.
The webinar will provide an overview of an integrated planning process for the development of
an NSDA and will share Member States' experience in developing risk-informed national
detection architecture strategies and design plans.
Webinar Programme
Opening Remarks
Ms. Elena Buglova, Director, Division of Nuclear Security, IAEA
- Objectives, logistics and overview of the webinar;
- Introduction of the subject matter experts.
Mr. Mirza Mohamed, Nuclear Security Officer, Nuclear Security Detection Architecture
Unit, Nuclear Security of Materials Outside of Regulatory Control Section, Division of
Nuclear Security, IAEA
Overview of Planning and Organizing Nuclear Security Systems and Measures for Nuclear
and Other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control (IAEA Guidance)
Mr. Thierry Pelletier, Unit Head (Nuclear Security Detection Architecture), Nuclear
Security of Materials Outside of Regulatory Control Section, Division of Nuclear Security,
Nuclear Security Detection Architecture Strategy, Design and Planning:
• A Perspective from Finland
Dr. Kari Peräjärvi, Principal Advisor, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK),
• A Perspective from Jordan
Dr. Samer Quran, Director General, National Centre for Nuclear and Radiological
Security (NCNRS), Jordan
Q&A and Conclusion