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Webinar on Nuclear Security Detection Architecture Awareness


Date and Time

Thursday, 20 January 2022

16:00, Vienna (Austria) Time

Duration: 2 hours

Register here →


Nuclear security focuses on the prevention and detection of, and response to, criminal or intentional unauthorized acts involving or directed at nuclear material, other radioactive material, associated facilities, or activities. The Nuclear Security Detection Architecture (NSDA) of a State is the integrated set of nuclear security systems and measures, based on appropriate legal and regulatory framework, which is needed to implement a national strategy for the detection of nuclear or other radioactive material out of regulatory control (MORC).

To enable States to establish or enhance their NSDA and response frameworks, a clearly defined process for design and planning is needed to ensure this is done in a structured and integrated manner.

The IAEA offers tailored support to Member States to assist them, upon request, with the development of their NSDA.


The webinar aims to raise awareness about the integrated planning process for the development of an NSDA and during this exchange Member States will share their experiences in developing risk-informed national detection architecture strategies and design plans.

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