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ISEMIR-IR: Online database for radiation protection optimisation in industrial radiography
Date of broadcast: 28 January 2020, 3:00 PM CET
About the webinar
The International Atomic Energy Agency’s Information System on Occupational Exposure in Medicine, Industry and Research in Industrial Radiography (ISEMIR-IR) aims to strengthen the safety of workers who are exposed to ionising radiation.
Industrial radiographers often endure difficult working conditions at industrial sites, which can lead to incidents and overexposures. ISEMIR-IR is a free online database that supports non-destructive testing (NDT) companies in radiation protection optimisation. It collects data relevant to occupational exposures, including radiation doses received by workers, the number of exposures and radiation protection training. So far, companies from 25 counties registered in the database.
After selected coordinators at the participating companies enter anonymous data annually to the system, they can then review dose-trends using a complex set of different advanced filters that enable a comparison of data for the whole company or of individual radiographers, either worldwide or in selected regions. The database can also help users define follow-up actions and address identified safety gaps.
Speakers from the IAEA, national institutes for non-destructive testing and NDT experts will discuss the benefits of the system.
Learning objectives
Participants of the webinar will:
- learn about benefits and functionalities of the ISEMIR-IR system;
- understand how ISEMIR-IR contributes to the optimization of occupational radiation protection;
- explain the registration process;
- discuss the main difficulties NDT companies encounter;
- collect feedback for further improvements.
About the presenters
David Gilbert
David Gilbert graduated from the University of Leeds, UK, with an Honours degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. After a spell in industry with GEC, ASEA (now ABB) and Harland Simon, he went on to become Editor of Vector, Southern Africa’s largest electrical engineering journal. He joined the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) in 1993 as Editor of the Institute's journal, which was re-launched with the new title 'Insight' in 1994. David became Head of Publishing, Media and Marketing, Membership and Registration, before being first appointed Deputy CEO and then CEO at BINDT, the position that he now holds. He is currently General Secretary of the International Committee for NDT (ICNDT), Secretary General for the European Federation of NDT (EFNDT) and Council Member of the Academia NDT International. He is a Chartered Engineer, Member of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing and Member of the Institute of Engineering & Technology.
Richard van Sonsbeek
After studying Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology and doing research on the use of liquid xenon as detection medium for gamma rays, Richard worked for 20 years for Applus RTD. He worked 12 years as manager of the business unit Radiation Protection Services and more than 8 years as Global QHSE manager. In the meantime, he completed an MSc and an MBA in Business Administration as well as University level courses on radiation protection. Since 2000, he has been involved in several international projects on radiation protection in industrial radiography for the IAEA, both as lecturer and as consultant and reviewer. He also has been Chairman of the Working Group on Industrial Radiography of ISEMIR.