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Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine

Oyen, Wim


Professor Wim Oyen is nuclear medicine physician at the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, The Netherlands and full Professor of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy at Humanitas University in Milan, Italy. From 2015-2018, he was full Professor of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging at The Institute of Cancer Research and Head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine of The Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK. Before working in the UK, he was a nuclear medicine physician and full Professor of Nuclear Medicine at the Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands, serving as Head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Member of the Board of the Medical Staff and Director of the Research Institute for Oncology of RadboudUMC.

Professor Oyen’s main research interests are molecular imaging in oncology and infectious diseases and radionuclide therapy of cancer. He is the (co-)author of more than 650 original science and review articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He is currently actively involved in the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (Board Member, past-Congress Chair and EANM President as of 2019) and the International Cancer Imaging Society (President 2017/2018). Professor Oyen is a member of several Editorial Boards, including the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and the Journal of Nuclear Medicine.


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