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IPC Scientific Papers 2023
Scientific Paper
- ARGILES-HERRERO, R., G., SALVADOR-HERRANZ, A.G. PARKER, M.J.B. VREYSEN, C.J. DE BEER et al. (2023). Near-infrared imaging for automated tsetse pupae sex sorting in support of the sterile insect technique. Parasite 30, 17.
- Bénéwendé A.K., A. Nawaj, H. Maiga, O. Soukia, C.J. de Beer et al. (2023). X‑rays are as effective as gamma‑rays for the sterilization of Glossina palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank, 1911 (Diptera: Glossinidae) for use in the sterile insect technique. Scientific Reports 13, 17633.
- Bouyer, J. (2023). When less is more: accounting for overcompensation in mosquito SIT projects. Trends in Parasitology 39: 235-237.
- Cáceres, C., K. Bourtzis, G. Gouvi, M.J.B. Vreysen, N.s.B. Somda et al (2023). Development of a novel genetic sexing strain of Ceratitis capitata based on an X-autosome translocation. Scientific Reports 13, 16167.
- DERA, K.-S.M., M.M. DIENG, C.J. DE BEER, M.J.B. VREYSEN, A.M.M. ABD-ALLA et al. (2023). Prevalence of Spiroplasma and interaction with wild Glossina tachinoides microbiota. Parasite 30, 62.
- DIAS, V.S., G.J. HALLMAN, A.S. ARAÚJO, I.V.G. LIMA, F.L. GALVAO-SILVA et al. (2023). High cold tolerance and differential population response of third instars from the Zeugodacus tau complex to phytosanitary cold treatment in navel oranges. Postharvest Biology and Technology 203: 112392.
- DIAS, V.S., I.S. JOACHIM-BRAVO and B.A.J. PARANHOS (2023). Comportamento das moscas-das-frutas, In: Zucchi, R.A., Malavasi, A., Adaime, R., Nava, D., (Eds.), Moscas-das-Frutas no Brasil: Conhecimento Básico e Aplicado, 2nd ed., FEALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. pp 227-259.
- DIAS, V.S. and A.G. MOREIRA (2023). Tratamentos fitossanitários com fins quarentenários, In: Zucchi, R.A., Malavasi, A., Adaime, R., Nava, D., (Eds.), Moscas-das-Frutas no Brasil: Conhecimento Básico e Aplicado, 2nd ed., FEALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. pp 527-549.
- Drosopoulou E., A. Gariou-Papalexiou, G. Gouvi, A.A. Augustinos, K. Bourtzis et al. (2023). A comparative analysis of the chromosomes of three FARQ species complex members, Ceratitis rosa, C. quilicii, and C. fasciventris F2 (Diptera: Tephritidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 113: 537-545.
- Gómez, M., B.J. Johnson, H.C. Bossin, R. Argilés-Herrero (2023). Joint FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research Project on “Mosquito Handling, Transport, Release and Male Trapping Methods” in Support of SIT Application to Control Mosquitoes. Insects, 14, 108.
- GSTÖTTENMAYER, F., P. MOYABA, M. RODRIGUEZ, C.J. DE BEER, M.J.B. VREYSEN et al. (2023). Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for the tsetse species Glossina brevipalpis and preliminary population genetics analyses. Parasite 30, 34.
- JOACHIM-BRAVO, I.S., V.S. DIAS and A.K.P. RORIZ (2023). Alimentação, nutrição e dietas artificiais, In: Zucchi, R.A., Malavasi, A., Adaime, R., Nava, D., (Eds.), Moscas-das-Frutas no Brasil: Conhecimento Básico e Aplicado, 2nd ed., FEALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. pp 183-206.
- Mahamat, M.H., R. Argiles-Herrero, A.G. Parker, A.M.M. Abd-Alla, J. Bouyer et al. (2023). Vector competence of sterile male Glossina fuscipes fuscipes for Trypanosoma brucei brucei: implications for the implementation of the sterile insect technique in a sleeping sickness focus in Chad. Parasites Vectors 16, 111.
- Maïga, H., M.T. Bakhoum, W. Mamai, N.S.B. Somda, T. Wallner et al. (2023). From the lab to the field: long-distance transport of sterile Aedes mosquitoes. Insects, 14(2), 207.
- MANOUKIS, N.C., A. MALAVASI and R. PEREIRA (2023). Técnica de aniquilação de machos, In: Zucchi, R.A., Malavasi, A., Adaime, R., Nava, D., (Eds.), Moscas-das-Frutas no Brasil: Conhecimento Básico e Aplicado, 2nd ed., FEALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. pp 429-435.
- MANRIQUE, V., and W. ENKERLIN (2023). The use of the sterile insect technique as part of an integrated pest management approach to control fruit flies in Ecuador. In: Ruane, J., Mba, C., Boettcher, P., Koskela, J., Mair, G. & Ramasamy, S., (eds.). Case studies of the use of agricultural biotechnologies to meet the needs of smallholders in developing countries. Rome, FAO. pp 61-68.
- MIRIERI, C.K., A.M.M. ABD-ALLA, A.M.M., V.I.D. ROS, M.M. VAN OERS (2023). Evaluating the Effect of Irradiation on the Densities of Two RNA Viruses in Glossina morsitans morsitans. Insects 14, 397.
- Pagabeleguem, S., B.A. Kaboré, K.M. Dera, H. Maiga, M.J.B. VREYSEN, J. Bouyer et al. (2023). Gamma-radiation of Glossina palpalis gambiensis revisited: effect on fertility and mating competitiveness. Parasite, 30: 11.
- PEREIRA, R., and A. MALAVASI (2023). Áreas livres, de baixa prevalência e systems approach, In: Zucchi, R.A., Malavasi, A., Adaime, R., Nava, D., (Eds.), Moscas-das-Frutas no Brasil: Conhecimento Básico e Aplicado, 2nd ed., FEALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. pp 459-465.
- PEREIRA, R., J. HENDRICHS and A. MALAVASI (2023). Técnica do inseto estéril, In: Zucchi, R.A., Malavasi, A., Adaime, R., Nava, D., (Eds.), Moscas-das-Frutas no Brasil: Conhecimento Básico e Aplicado, 2nd ed., FEALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. pp 419-427.
- Puppato, S., G. Fiorenza, D. Carraretto, L.M. Gomulski, C. Caceres et al. (2023). High promiscuity among females of the invasive pest species Drosophila suzukii. Molecular Ecology. 32:6018-6026.
- Ravel, S., M.h. Mahamat, A. Ségard, R. Argilés-Herrero, J. Bouyer et al. (2023). Population genetics of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes from southern Chad. Peer Community Journal, 3: e31.
- Sollazzo, G., G. Gouvi, K. Nikolouli, R.A. Aumann, K. Bourtzis et al. (2023). Genomic and cytogenetic analysis of the Ceratitis capitata temperature-sensitive lethal region, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, jkad074.
- Tussey, D.A., R. Morreale, D.O. Carvalho, S. Stenhouse, A.M. Lloyd et al. (2023). Developing methods for chilling, compacting, and sterilizing adult Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) and comparing mating competitiveness between males sterilized as adults versus pupae for sterile male release, Journal of Medical Entomology, 60: 1038–1047.
- VAN OERS, M.M., E.A. HERNIOU, J.A. JEHLE, P.J. KRELL, A.M.M. ABD-ALLA et al. (2023). Developments in the classification and nomenclature of arthropod-infecting large DNA viruses that contain pif genes. Archives of Virology. 168: 182.
- Vasquez, M.I., G. Notarides, S. Meletiou, E. Patsoula E, J. Bouyer et al. (2023). Two invasions at once: update on the introduction of the invasive species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Cyprus - a call for action in Europe. Parasite. 30: 41.
- Yamada, H., B.A. Kaboré, N.S. Bimbilé Somda, N.L. ntoyi, C.J. DE BEER et al. (2023) Suitability of Raycell MK2 blood X-ray irradiator for the use in the sterile insect technique: dose response in fruit flies, tsetse flies and mosquitoes. Insects 14 92.
- YAMADA, H., D. ZHANG, A.G. PARKER, M.J. VREYSEN (2023). Sterilizing insects with X rays or gamma rays-which irradiator to select? Frontiers in Tropical Diseases, 4: 1224386.
- Yamada, H., h. Maïga, c. Kraupa, N.S.B. Somda, w. Mamai et al. (2023). Radiation dose-fractionation in adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Parasite 30: 8.
- ZHANG, D., S. YAN. H. YAMADA, G. WANG, Q. FENG, D. PAERHANDE, H. MAIGA, J. BOUYER, J. QIAN, Z. WU, X ZHENG (2023). Laboratory evaluations of a Wolbachia-free Aedes albopictus strain to control the wild mosquito population in the frame of the Sterile Insect Technique. Pest Management Science, 79: 4115-4705.