The IAEA has a long history of producing and publishing teaching and training materials in nuclear medicine physics. One example is the Nuclear Medicine Physics Handbook, which provides a comprehensive overview of modern nuclear medicine. Additional training materials, in the form of teaching slides, have been developed for each chapter of the handbook.

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Nuclear Medicine Physics on-line seminars
In the pursuit of continuous education and training of medical physicists and other health professionals involved in nuclear medicine, 9 on-line seminars have been produced on topics related to the physics of nuclear medicine imaging, as well as image quality optimization and quality assurance. The on-line seminars may be accessed through the following links:
- Basic Principles of the Gamma Camera [Download]
- SPECT and PET Reconstruction [Download]
- Optimisation in Nuclear Medicine Imaging [Download]
- Optimisation of Paediatric Nuclear Medicine Imaging [Download]
- SPECT and SPECT/CT Artefacts [Download]
- PET and PET/CT Artefacts [Download]
- PET/MR Physics [Download]
- Quality Control of Non-Imaging Equipment [Download]
- Nuclear Medicine Imaging QC [Download]
The production of this on-line seminar was supported by Belgium, through the Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) project: Enhancing education and training programmes in human health through quality assurance in higher education
The mention of names of specific companies or products does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
This teaching video series was developed by John Dickson, PhD (University College London Hospitals, UK). The IAEA staff member responsible for this activity is Gian Luca Poli, PhD from the Section of Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics (DMRP) of the Division of Human Health at the IAEA. Videos were edited and finalized by Theocharis Berris (DMRP, IAEA).
Additional training material
- Tutorial videos for Quality Control tests on SPECT systems
- Tutorial videos for Quality Control tests on PET/CT scanners
- Basic PET physics and instrumentation (Part 1)
- Basic PET physics and instrumentation (Part 2)
- Joint IAEA/SNMMI Complimentary Webinar on Recent Advances in PET Imaging
- Basic Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry
- Radiation exposure of the pregnant and breastfeeding patients in nuclear medicine
- Presentation and gif animations on 3D image reconstruction
- Pediatric Nuclear Medicine