Radiation is a fact of life and this self-paced, e-Learning module presents the basic facts about radiation: what it is; where and how it occurs; how people can be exposed to it; the potential risks; and how it is managed. Read more →
E-learning Modules on Radiation
The important things you need to know about radiation are covered in these two e-learning modules on Radiation. The first module provides a basic understanding about radiation - what it is, where it comes from and the different types of radiation amd how people can protect themselves from its adverse effects. The second part talks about understanding radiological emergencies and steps to take to remain safe.
Module 2: Radiation Emergencies

Learn about radiation emergencies, from what they are to how they are handled. This self-paced, interactive course covers topics such as types of radiation emergencies; potential health effects; national responses to radiation emergencies; the IAEA’s work with national authorities; and communication strategies. Read more →