This webinar series will provide an overview of the Knowledge Management Assist Visit (KMAV) methodology developed by the IAEA and discuss how the KMAV programmes are designed to help nuclear organizations introduce a strategic knowledge management and human resource development programme that is aligned with its business objectives.
Nuclear Knowledge Management Webinars

- 1.1 Introduction to KMAV Methodology (12 October)
Host: Ashok Ganesan; Co-Host: Michaela Ovanes;
Panellist: Romana Kvetonova, KM Expert, Czech Republic
Host: Ashok Ganesan; Co-Host: Michaela Ovanes;
Panellist: Sudi Ariyanto, BATAN, Indonesia
- 1.3 KMAV for Nuclear Education Providers (14 October)
Host: John Roberts; Co-Host: Oszvald Glöckler;
Panellists: Anthonie Cilliers, Kairos Power; USA;
Attila Aszodi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

This webinar series will provide an introduction to the education network activities of the NKM Section that focus on helping to ensure an adequate and sustainable pipeline of qualified nuclear professionals, which has been an ongoing challenge for many Member States. This webinar explores the role of co-operation and collaboration among educational institutions and industry to enhance and expand nuclear educational programmes.
- 2.1 Global Collaboration for Sustainable Nuclear Education (21 October)
Host: Maria Elena Urso; Co-Host: John Roberts;
Panellists: Raúl Barrachina, CNEA; Argentina; Gabriel Pavel, ENEN; Antonella Di Trapani, OECD/NEA
- 2.2 Building Junior Networks (3 December)
Host: Maria Elena Urso; Co-Host: John Roberts

This webinar series will provide an overview of new publications being produced by the NKM Section. These publications have been developed based on requests from Member States. Experts from the nuclear technology and power sectors are directly involved in the development of these publications.
Host: Oszvald Glöckler; Co-Host: Ashok Ganesan;
Panellists: John Sowagi, COG, Canada; Lizzie Smith, HR Consultant, UK;
Judith Carrillo de Fischer, IAEA Safeguards
- 3.2 Mentoring and Coaching Approaches for Knowledge Management in Nuclear Organizations (27 October)
Host: Ashok Ganesan; Co-Host: Milena Drace;
Panellist: Eirini Michailidou, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
- 3.3 Methodology to Determine Critical Knowledge in Nuclear Organizations (28 October)
Host: Michaela Ovanes; Co-Host: Maria Elena Urso
Panellists: David Oberhettinger, Chief Knowledge Officer Emeritus, NASA, USA;
Vincent Maugis, KM Officer, National Radioactive Waste Management Agency; Alain Plűss, WANO Paris
- 3.4 Guidance to Knowledge Management Strategies and Approaches in Nuclear Organizations (29 October)
Host: Ashok Ganesan; Co-Host: Tea Bilic Zabric;
Panellist: Martin Roulleaux Dugage, Senior Expert, FRAMATOME-SAS, France
- 3.5 Application of Plant Information Models to Manage Design Knowledge through the Nuclear Power Plant Life Cycle (30 October)
Host: Michaela Ovanes; Co-Host: Oszvald Glöckler;
Panellists: Martin Wakeman, EDF Energy, Hinkley Point, UK; Russell Adams, RHAdams Consulting, USA;
Thomas Paugam, Product Manager, EDF, France;
Ivan Khomyakov, Specialist Engineer, Atomenergoproekt, Russia
Host: Tea Bilic Zabric; Co-Host: Helena Zhivitskaya;
Panellists: Andrey Yuzakov, Director, Division of Nuclear Construction & Ops. Feedback, VNIIAES, Russia;
Luca Abele Piciaccia, Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Norway
- 3.7 Nuclear Educational Networks Experience Gained and Lessons Learned (24 November)
Host: Maria Elena Urso; Co-Host: Tea Bilic Zabric;
Panellists: Jerry Hopwood, UNENE, Canada; Andrei Kosilov, MEPhI, Russia

This webinar series will provide an introduction to specialist processes deployed by the Agency to support the development of education and human resource capabilities in Member States. In particular, these webinars will focus on activities which help Member States develop a sustainable pipeline of qualified nuclear professionals to meet the needs of industry by bringing together educational providers and expertise across networks and university nuclear educational programmes.
- 4.1 International Nuclear Management Academy (15 October)
Host: John Roberts; Co-Host: Oszvald Glöckler;
Panellists: Attila Aszódi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Frik Van Niekerk, North-West University, South Africa; Yury Volkov, MEPhI, Russia
- 4.2 The National Human Resource and Knowledge Development (HRKD) Network (16 October)
Host: Masashi Nakazono; Co-Host: Milena Drace
Panellists: Salih Sari, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Turkey;
Kiyonobu Yamashita, JAIF International Cooperation Centre, Japan
- 4.3 An introduction to the NKM Digital Hub Platform for Member States (23 November)
Host: Michaela Ovanes; Co-Host: David Drury

The aim of the NKM School is to raise participants’ awareness of knowledge as a key safety and economic asset in the nuclear sector, including by illustrating the importance of implementing an integrated approach to nuclear knowledge management in their organizations. The school reviews various dimensions of nuclear knowledge management as a key business management tool, including human resources, talent and information management.
- 5.1 Introduction to the NKM and NEM Schools Programmes (9 November)
Host: David Drury; Co-Host: John Roberts
- 5.2 An Integrated Approach to NKM (10 November)
Host: Tea Bilic Zabric; Co-Host: John Roberts
- 5.3 Knowledge Movement through a Nuclear Organization (11 November)
Host: John Roberts; Co-Host: David Drury
- 5.4 Planning and Succession Management (12 November)
Host: Maria Elena Urso; Co-Host: David Drury
- 5.5 Knowledge Risk Assessment (13 November)
Host: Oszvald Glöckler; Co-Host: Ashok Ganesan
- 5.6 Knowledge Capture Techniques (16 November)
Host: Oszvald Glöckler; Co-Host: Ashok Ganesan
- 5.7 Competency Mapping (17 November)
Host: Oszvald Glöckler; Co-Host: Ashok Ganesan
- 5.8 Building a Knowledge Sharing Culture (18 November)
Host: Tea Bilic Zabric; Co-Host: Oszvald Glöckler
- 5.9 Use and Importance of Lessons Learned & Corrective Action Programmes (19 November)
Host: Tea Bilic Zabric; Co-Host: Oszvald Glöckler
- 5.10 NKM School - NKM Digital Technologies (20 November)
Host: John Roberts