Good afternoon, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am pleased to say a few words to you at the end of the Sixth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety.
The Convention is a very important mechanism which has contributed a lot to strengthening nuclear safety in the countries which are party to it. In the last two weeks, you have addressed some very important issues.
During your productive and lively discussions, a number of challenges were identified for consideration by Contracting Parties. These included: how to achieve harmonized emergency plans and response measures; how to make better use of operating and regulatory experience and international peer review services; and how to strengthen regulators' independence, safety culture, transparency and openness. The Agency will continue to work closely with you in addressing all of these issues.
The Fifth Review Conference, which took place in 2011 just after the Fukushima Daiichi accident, was the first opportunity for Contracting Parties to address the accident in an international conference. The fact that you devoted a special session to the Fukushima Daiichi accident this time demonstrates the continued resolve of the Contracting Parties to ensure that the right lessons are learned everywhere.
The Agency continues to work with all our Member States to implement the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, about which you received a briefing. I know you will agree with me that it is vitally important that all the measures that have been agreed to strengthen global nuclear safety are actually implemented.
Work continues on the IAEA report on the Fukushima Daiichi accident, which will be finalised this year.
I understand that you decided to submit a proposal to amend the text of the Convention, addressing design and construction objectives for both existing and new nuclear power plants, to a Diplomatic Conference to be convened within one year.
I am aware that a clear understanding of the underlying technical concept and measures will be required in relation to the proposed amendment. We are ready to organize the necessary work to develop this clear technical basis.
I have asked the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security and the Office of Legal Affairs to start preparations for the Diplomatic Conference. We will work with the Contracting Parties on the logistics and draft rules of procedure. Sources of funding for the event and its preparation will need to be identified. I count on your cooperation to ensure close coordination between the Contracting Parties to the CNS and the Agency.
I thank the members of the Working Group on Effectiveness and Transparency for all their hard work prior to this meeting, which helped so much in providing a basis for your discussions.
I thank the President, Mr. Lacoste, for ably steering your discussions, and the two Vice Presidents, Mr. Sukho Lee and Mr. Khoirul Huda, for their support.
And I thank all of you for your continued efforts to strengthen nuclear safety throughout the world.
Thank you.