The IAEA is making its International Nuclear Information System (INIS) available for free to Internet users around the world. INIS is the world's leading database on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.
Following a pilot test project, free, open and unrestricted access to the INIS Online Database is now available from the INIS homepage to all internet users worldwide. No registration is required.
Taghrid Atieh, leader of the INIS Capacity Building and Liaison Group, says that IAEA Member States have recognized the importance of making the information in INIS accessible, especially as more countries continue to express interest in using nuclear power. "Now, more than ever, there is a need for reliable and trustworthy sources of information on nuclear," says Ms. Atieh. "The information we offer comes from reliable sources like the national atomic energy authorities in Member States. As such, it can be trusted by the end user."
Ms. Atieh says that with the increasing amount of information available online, INIS' role is becoming even more valuable. "Anyone can put up a website about, for example, how to manage radioactive waste from a nuclear power plant. But a source like INIS can guarantee the veracity of the information for the end users."
Alejandra Chavez, INIS Liaison Officer in Argentina, explains some of the benefits of INIS.
"INIS stands out due to the quality of scientific information it presents. More specifically, it offers the possibility to search for exactly what you want, saving precious time," she says.
The INIS online database contains over 3 million bibliographic records and almost 200, 000 full text documents classified as nonconventional literature, consisting of reports and other non copyrighted information.
Established in 1970, INIS processes most of the world's scientific and technical literature on a wide range of subjects from nuclear engineering, safeguards and non-proliferation to applications in agriculture and health.