What's ahead for the IAEA and the global nuclear agenda in 2018? Here is a preview of selected meetings and events:
Looking Ahead: Important 2018 Events at the IAEA
Through its Human Health Programme to fight cancer, the IAEA will join in marking World Cancer Day on 4 February.
The IAEA Board’s meeting will open on 5 March in Vienna.
The 6th Joint Convention Review Meeting will commence at IAEA headquarters in Vienna on 21 May, where the Contracting Parties will discuss the safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste management.
The global situation in human resource development will be the focus of the International Conference on Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power Programmes: Building and Sustaining Capacity in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. The conference will provide a forum for information exchange on national and international policies and practices, discuss the importance of building competence in nuclear safety and security, and provide participants with practical solutions that they can use at organizational, national and international levels to develop and maintain the human resources needed to support safe and sustainable nuclear power programmes.
The next meeting of the Board of Governors will commence on 4 June.
Updated research and current issues related to uranium geology and deposits, exploration, mining and processing, production economics and environmental and legal issues will be discussed at the International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Exploration, Mining, Production, Supply and Demand, Economics and Environmental Issues (URAM-2018). The conference will bring together scientists, managers, exploration and mining geologists, mineral economists, engineers, operators, regulators, community representatives, social scientists, nuclear fuel cycle and environmental specialists and young professionals.
The International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology will focus on achievements, new developments, trends and challenges in the field of plant mutation breeding, and will foster a broad exchange of information within the scientific community, as well as between the scientific community and the private sector. The symposium will highlight specific challenges faced by Member States, such as emerging transboundary threats to crop production, and will assess the overall importance of mutation breeding to food security.
The IAEA General Conference will commence in Vienna on 17 September. Its programme will again include a Scientific Forum held on 18-19 September, and the IAEA Board will meet both before and after the General Conference from 10 to 14 September and again on 24 September.
A symposium to promote effective public communication as a key to an efficient response to a nuclear or radiological emergency will take place in October. It will provide a forum for networking and information exchange among the communication and emergency preparedness and response communities. Participants will discuss the latest developments regarding communicating with the public in a nuclear or radiological emergency and share their experiences and good practices to further strengthen the preparedness of countries and of the international community.
The key components for the development and strengthening of technical and scientific capabilities in support of regulatory decision-making to achieve enhanced nuclear and radiation safety and security in countries with existing nuclear installations and countries embarking on nuclear energy will be discussed at a conference from 15 to 18 October in Brussels.
The IAEA will hold its 27th Fusion Energy Conference from 22 to 27 October in Ahmedabad, India. With the participation of international organizations such as the ITER Organization and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), the conference will provide a forum for the discussion of key physics and technology issues as well as innovative concepts of direct relevance to the use of nuclear fusion as a source of energy.
The IAEA Board’s Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee will meet starting 19 November. The full IAEA Board will convene on 22 November.
The International Safeguards Symposium will address challenges and opportunities to strengthen the effectiveness of safeguards implementation from 5 to 8 November at IAEA headquarters.
Nuclear science, technology and applications for peaceful uses will be the focus of the Ministerial Conference to be held fron 28 to 30 November in Vienna. Participants will be engaged in high-level dialogue on promoting the integration of nuclear science and technology in their respective national strategies for achieving sustainable development. It will also bring attention to high impact innovations in the peaceful applications of nuclear techniques in addressing current and emerging development challenges and the role of the IAEA in facilitating the deployment of such techniques by Member States.
An international conference on radioactive material security governance will foster the exchange, among officials, policymakers, competent authorities, facility operators and technical and scientific support organizations, of information, practices and experiences related to the security of radioactive material under regulatory control in use, transport and storage, and to the detection of nuclear and other radioactive material out of regulatory control.
The last symposium of the year will focus on strengthening the understanding of how to tackle the double burden of malnutrition by sharing recent research findings as well as experiences with the implementation of relevant interventions, programmes and policies. The symposium will, in particular, highlight the role of stable isotopes in addressing gaps both in the measurement of malnutrition and in assessing the impact of interventions. The symposium aims to identify double-duty actions, new assessment tools, considerations for policies and action plans to support Member States in achieving their defined nutrition commitments within the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016–2025.
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