Radiation monitoring is essential for an effective radiation protection programme, ensuring that neither the operating personnel nor the public receives radiation doses above permissible limits. “Instruments for detecting nuclear radiations play a key role in modern life, as they are used in various sectors, from industry to medicine and energy production,” said IAEA expert Roberto Bedogni. “Calibrating these devices is far more than just applying a procedure; it requires solid scientific basis and cutting-edge equipment.”
The IAEA recently conducted two webinars targeting radiation metrologists working at Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories (SSDLs). SSDLs provide traceable calibration of radiation monitoring instruments, such as survey meters and reference irradiations of personal dosimeters. The webinars focused on calibration of radiation protection dosimeters and workplace monitoring instruments, as well as calibration using neutron sources at SSDLs.
Though neutron radiation is frequently encountered in the energy, industrial and medical sectors, not many SSDLs with neutron calibration capabilities have been developed worldwide. Consequently, establishing the technical basis for neutron calibrations at SSDLs is a key to strengthening these sectors.
Instruments for detecting nuclear radiations play a key role in modern life, as they are used in various sectors, from industry to medicine and energy production