The IAEA has launched a new digital platform focusing on workforce planning, leadership, training, stakeholder involvement and human performance to support countries with operating nuclear power plants and those considering or developing new nuclear power programmes. The Nuclear Energy Capacity Building Hub allows registered users to join proactive communities of practice for information sharing, capacity building and networking.
Experts can join communities of practice for each topic, provide feedback on IAEA draft publications, explore IAEA e-learning tools, connect to other relevant webpages, browse IAEA publications and access documents from past meetings.
“The Hub offers a unique interactive online space for specialists working in the nuclear field,” said Lotta Halt, Training Specialist for Nuclear Power at the IAEA. “It will serve as the IAEA’s one-stop-shop for information and discussion on topics related to human resource development and stakeholder involvement for nuclear power programmes.”
The Hub will be introduced at the Third International Conference on Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power Programmes: Meeting Challenges to Ensure the Future Nuclear Workforce Capability, taking place on 28–31 May 2018 in Gyeongju, South Korea.
The development of the Hub follows requests from Member States for a modernization in the way nuclear professionals communicate. Its goal is to enable faster and more collaborative forums.
Follow the steps below for registration.