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IAEA Event at European Development Days to Focus on Role of Nuclear Science for Sustainable Development


Nuclear techniques can help countries achieve several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) or to track their progress towards the achievement of these targets. The IAEA stands ready to support its Member States in this endeavour. This will be the key message from IAEA officials at next week's European Development Days – Europe's leading forum on development and international cooperation.

This will be the first time that the IAEA hosts an event at the forum, which is organized annually in Brussels by the European Commission, bringing together the development community, including experts, policymakers, political leaders, donor organizations, as well as representatives from civil society and the business community. Over 5000 participants representing 1200 organizations from more than 140 countries are expected to participate.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a range of objectives agreed on by world leaders in 2015. They aim at stimulating global action over the next 15 years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet. While the IAEA's work touches on most of the SDGs, there are eight goals in which nuclear and isotopic techniques make either a direct contribution to the achievement of the targets or to help monitor progress by providing data and thus facilitating decision making. The IAEA's role is also relevant for Goal 17 on strengthening the means of implementation and partnerships, which are key to achieving sustainable results.  

"The theme of the IAEA event is a reflection of the increased role science and technology play in the SDGs compared to the previous development agenda," said Ana Raffo-Caiado, Director of Division and Programme Support and Coordination at the IAEA's Technical Cooperation Department.

The IAEA will hold an interactive debate on Thursday 16 June from 11:00 to 12:15, focusing on the goals related to water, oceans, soil, food and climate change. The debate will raise awareness of the IAEA's work and its role with respect to the SDGs. It will highlight the role that nuclear science in general and the IAEA in particular can play in providing timely, accurate and reliable data to support development planning and implementation to combat climate change and facilitate sustainable management of natural resources such as soil and water.

Read about the use of nuclear science for better flood control in the Philippines, the development of new watering techniques in increasingly arid regions of Kenya, the use of isotopic techniques to improve crop productivity in Sudan and the tracking of ocean acidification.

"The technology is all there, well proven and long established, but at times there is a lack of awareness and some scepticism among the public," Raffo-Caiado said. "Our session will explore some of the myths and highlight how scientists and policymakers can cooperate to support governments' development priorities."

The IAEA's participation in the event also includes an exhibition that will feature panels explaining the use of nuclear techniques in food and agriculture and their development impact. 

Our session will... highlight how scientists and policymakers can cooperate to support governments' development priorities.
Ana Raffo-Caiado, Director, Division and Programme Support and Coordination, Technical Cooperation Department, IAEA
Last update: 14 Dec 2020

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