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EuroSafe Imaging Stars

EuroSafe Imaging Stars is EuroSafe Imaging’s latest initiative to promote quality and safety in medical imaging by following an inclusive approach to medical radiation protection encompassing patients‘ needs, medical training curricula, public health protocols and relevant industry stakeholders. Launched in February 2016, the Stars initiative has been designed to identify and recognise imaging facilities that embody best practice in radiation protection and that are committed to putting the principles advocated and concepts developed by the European Society of Radiology into practice. EuroSafe Imaging Stars gives radiation protection efforts greater visibility while having a positive impact on clinical practice. In addition, the initiative rallies professionals within a department around a common cause. A self-assessment that involves distinct yet related tasks like assessing the imaging equipment and maintenance needs, evaluating a clinical audit progress and improving patient’s awareness of what radiology does for them is a process that requires imaging departments’ staff to work together as a team.

Imaging departments participating in the EuroSafe Imaging Stars initiative are required to perform a self-assessment on their level of radiation protection. The self-assessment consists of an online application form which has to be completed by the applicant department biannually. The list of criteria is divided into five sections and imaging facilities will be awarded up to five stars depending on how many criteria of a certain level they fulfil. Some of the criteria are mandatory, such as participation in the 'Is your Imaging EuroSafe?’ which is a prerequisite for becoming a EuroSafe Imaging Star. The self-assessment also includes elements like the use of CT protocols and automatic dose recording, dose optimisation, justification, equipment quality, clinical audit, or the use of a clinical decision support for imaging referral guidelines. After successful evaluation, the participating imaging departments are listed on the ‘Wall of Stars’ according to the level attained. This status is re-assessed in biannual self-evaluations.

Approximately 20 leading medical institutions have already embraced the project and been awarded Star status, with another 20 applications currently in the process of evaluation.


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Last update: 25 Nov 2020

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