Indonesia and the Republic of Korea -- two of eleven countries taking part in an IAEA technical cooperation project on desalting seawater using nuclear technology -- signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in Vienna on 10 October 2001. The agreement concerns a preliminary economic feasibility study for a nuclear desalination project on Madura Island, Indonesia.
The IAEA project was launched on an interregional basis in 1999 to facilitate collaboration for coupling nuclear power and desalination plants to produce potable water and electricity. Alongside Indonesia and the Republic of Korea, the project includes nine other countries -- Argentina, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Morocco, Pakistan, Russian Federation, and Tunisia. A key aim is to bring together technology holders and potential end users in the field of nuclear desalination. Korea, for example, is developing a cogenerating nuclear desalination plant using a 330-megawatt-thermal reactor. Argentina, China, India, and the Russian Federation also are developing nuclear reactors for desalination purposes.
The October agreement is between the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) of Indonesia, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), and the IAEA within the framework of the interregional technical cooperation project. The agreement was signed by Mr. M. Iyos R Subki, Chairman of BATAN, Dr. In Soon Chang, President of KAERI, and Mr. Qian Jihui, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation.