Malaria represents an important public health issue in Sudan - among hospitals and health clinics in the country's northernmost regions, malaria is among the most commonly diagnosed and treated diseases. Like the boy-pharaoh of Egypt, most patients succumb to the disease as a result of their proximity to the Nile River, which provides the ideal habitat for Anopheles Arabiensis, the local species of mosquito. Whereas medication and the application of insecticides have had prior success in reducing malaria’s mortality, the growing resistance of the parasite to drug treatment calls for a new approach.
Given the success of SIT in the eradication of moths, screwworms, tsetse and fruit flies, the Government of Sudan has resolved to develop the relevant capacities in order to suppress the population of malarial mosquitoes. With the cooperation and support of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the IAEA is implementing a series of phased projects through its Technical Cooperation Programme.