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Press Arrangements for IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, 11 December 2014


The IAEA Board of Governors will start a meeting at the Agency's headquarters at 10:30 CET on Thursday, 11 December 2014 in Boardroom C of the C-Building, in the Vienna International Centre (VIC). The meeting will focus on monitoring and verification by the IAEA in Iran in relation to the extension of the Joint Plan of Action.

The Board of Governors meeting is closed to the press.

Director General Yukiya Amano will open the meeting with an introductory statement. His statement will be released to journalists after delivery and posted on the IAEA website.

Media Opportunities:

There will be no News Conference but there will be a photo opportunity at the beginning of the Board meeting.

Press Working Area:

The area outside Boardroom C will be set up for the media, with high capacity WiFi available (no password required).


All journalists are requested to inform the IAEA Press Office of their plans to attend. Journalists with permanent credentials to the VIC need no additional credentials. We encourage those journalists who do not yet have permanent accreditation, to request it at UNIS Vienna.

Others should contact Theresa Mackay for accreditation. Please email press@iaea.org, or call [+43-1] 2600-22048 or [+43-1] 2600-21273.

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Last update: 20 June 2018

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