The IAEA Board of Governors will convene a meeting starting at 10:30 CEST on Monday, 13 September in the Plenary Hall of the M-Building at the Vienna International Centre (VIC). It will be held as a physical meeting with the possibility of remote connection.
Board discussions are expected to include: nuclear and radiation safety; nuclear security; strengthening the Agency’s activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications; verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 (2015); application of safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic; NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Board of Governors meeting is closed to the press.
Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi will open the meeting with an introductory statement. A written version will be released to journalists after delivery and posted on the IAEA website. The IAEA can also provide video footage upon request and will make photos available on Flickr.
Press Conference:
Director General Grossi is expected to hold a press conference at 12:30 CEST on Monday, 13 September, in the Press Room of the M-building.
A live video stream of the press conference will be available from 12:30 CEST. The IAEA can provide video footage and photos from the press conference upon request.
Photo Op:
There will be a photo opportunity with the IAEA Director General and the Chair of the Board, Heidi Hulan, before the start of the meeting at 10:30 CEST in the Plenary Hall on the first floor of the M-Building in the VIC.
Press Working Area:
The Press Room on the M-building's ground floor will be available as a press working area from 09:00 CEST on 13 September.
COVID-19 Guidelines:
All physical participants must follow Austrian health guidelines including social distancing and the use of face masks on VIC premises, while working in the Press Room, exiting and entering all gates, in all security areas and in personal interactions with VIC personnel.
Journalists will be requested to complete a contact tracing form. They are also reminded of the host country requirements related to the low epidemiological risk when attending the meeting:
- proof of a negative PCR test not older than 48 hours, or a rapid antigen test not older than 24 hours; or
- proof of a full COVID-19 vaccination not older than 270 days and valid from the date of second vaccination, or proof of full vaccination with a vaccine that does not require a booster shot (e.g. Johnson & Johnson) not older than 270 days and valid from the 22nd day after vaccination; or
- a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 illness not older than 180 days, or proof of positive test for neutralising antibodies not older than 90 days.
In this regard, by swiping their grounds pass/badge, journalists entering the VIC declare that they possess valid documentation meeting one or more of these criteria. They also confirm that they are able to produce the documentation to the organizers or VIC Medical Service, if required.
All journalists – including those with permanent accreditation – are requested to inform the IAEA Press Office of their plans to attend the press conference or the photo-op by 12:00 CEST on Friday, 10 September.
We encourage those journalists who do not yet have permanent accreditation to request it at UNIS Vienna.