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International Conference on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications - Industry Night

21–25 October 2024, Vienna, Austria

Industry Night - 22 October 2024

The Industry Night event will take place on the second day of the International Conference on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications (SMR-24). The event is an opportunity for SMR Developers to present their projects at all development stages – from conceptual designs up to construction and operation phases – in an interactive format, where the audience can contribute to the discussion on various topics relating to a particular design.

Industry Night also provides an opportunity for the SMR Developers that might have missed the chance to request an exhibition booth or those that would like to present their designs in addition to their presentations at the SMR-24 Technical Sessions.

Each SMR Developer will be allocated a timeslot and space with video projecting facilities.

Industry Night will take place in several rooms and spaces simultaneously, to enable a larger number of SMR Developers to present their products.

The Industry Night event will take place on Tuesday, 22 October 2024, from 17:45 to 20:00 hrs.

The organizers invite SMR Developers to contact the Scientific Secretariat by e-mail with a brief information on their company and design they would like to present.

The deadline for contacting us is 30 August 2024.

Stay in touch
