International Conference on Resilience of Nuclear Installations against External Events from a Safety Perspective - Focus on Climate Change - Abstract and Paper Submission
20–24 October 2025, Vienna, Austria
Call for Papers
Contributions on the topics listed in the Conference Announcement under Section C are welcome as oral or poster presentations. All submissions, apart from invited papers, must present original work, which has not been published elsewhere.
Synopses (approximately 500 to 600 words on one or a maximum of two printed A4 pages, may contain any charts, graphs, figures and references) should give enough information on the content of the proposed paper to enable the Programme Committee to evaluate it. Anyone wishing to present at the conference must submit a synopsis in electronic format using the conference’s file submission system
(IAEA-INDICO), which is accessible from the conference web page (see Section Q). The synopsis can be submitted through this system from 25 November 2024 until 31 May 2025. Specifications for the layout will be available on IAEA-INDICO. The system for electronic submission of synopsis, IAEA INDICO, is the sole mechanism for submission of contributed synopsis. Authors are encouraged to submit synopsis as early as possible. The IAEA will not accept submissions via email.
In addition, authors must register online using the InTouch+ platform (see Section H). The online registration together with the auto-generated Participation Form (Form A) and Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) must reach the IAEA no later than 31 May 2025. IMPORTANT: The Programme Committee will consider uploaded synopses only if these two forms have been received by the IAEA through the established official channels (see Section H).
Acceptance of Synopses
The Secretariat reserves the right to exclude synopses that do not comply with its technical or scientific quality standards and that do not apply to one of the topics listed in Section C. Authors will be informed by 30 June 2025 as to whether their submission has been accepted, either orally or as a poster, for presentation at the conference. Accepted synopses will also be reproduced in an unedited electronic compilation of Synopses which will be made available to all registered participants of the conference.