Technical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities
The objective of the event is to provide the platform for discussions on experiences regarding the wide range of aspects of risk assessment for non-reactor nuclear facilities (using probabilistic and other risk analysis techniques).
Special emphasis will be given to the existing experiences and best practices in this area and understanding the limitations of using traditional, well established PSA methods for these facilities. In cases where the experience with application of risk assessment techniques is limited, detailed information on safety demonstration and methods used for the safety case of non-reactor nuclear facilities are expected to be presented and discussed.
Target Audience
The nominees for the technical meeting should be representatives of regulatory bodies, operating organizations, design organizations, technical support organizations, research or governmental institutes and industry, that are actively involved in safety demonstration for non-reactor nuclear facilities. The participants should have a background in safety demonstration for non-reactor nuclear facilities, using probabilistic approaches or other methods. Participants in the technical meeting will be invited to present their national experiences and approaches used in the event subject areas.
Participation and Registration
All persons wishing to participate in the event have to be designated by an IAEA Member State or should be members of organizations that have been invited to attend.
In order to be designated by an IAEA Member State, participants are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) to their competent national authority (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Mission to the IAEA or National Atomic Energy Authority) for onward transmission to the IAEA by 14 June 2024. Participants who are members of an organization invited to attend are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) through their organization to the IAEA by the above deadline.
Key Deadlines
14 June 2024 is a deadline for designations to be sent to IAEA through the official channels.