Technical Meeting on Identifying Good Practices and Improvement Opportunities for the Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) Missions to Nuclear Power Plants
The IAEA Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) programme assists Member States to enhance safe operation of nuclear power plants. Although good design, manufacture and construction are prerequisites, safety also depends on the ability of operating personnel and their conscientiousness in discharging their responsibilities.
The purpose of an OSART mission is to review the operational safety performance of a nuclear power plant (NPP) against the IAEA safety standards, make recommendations and suggestions for further improvement and identify good practices that can be shared with NPPs around the world. Through the OSART programme, the IAEA facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience between team members who are drawn from different Member States, and plant personnel.
The OSART programme, initiated in 1982, is available to all Member States with nuclear power plants under commissioning or in operation.
As the OSART programme evolves to keep pace with developments in the nuclear industry and the advancement in the IAEA Member States, the IAEA is organising its 2025 OSART technical meeting and will welcome representatives of operators, technical support organizations, and regulators from all Member States operating or approaching operating Nuclear Power Plants, and representatives from Nuclear Safety related international organizations.
The purpose of the event is to identify good practices to be promoted and opportunities to further develop and optimize the IAEA Pre-Operational Safety Review Team OSART (Pre-OSART), OSART and Corporate OSART missions to support the continuous improvement effort in safety performance by the Member States.
The meeting has the following primary objectives:
- to share the feed-back from international expert gained during OSART missions;
- to share the feed-back from operators and regulators hosting OSART missions;
- to collect idea to further develop and optimize the IAEA Pre-OSART, OSART and Corporate OSART missions;
- to share good practices for embarking countries to be well prepared for the Pre-OSART missions
Target Audience
Participation is welcomed from representatives of operators, technical support organizations, and regulators from all Member States operating or approaching operating Nuclear Power Plants, and representatives from Nuclear Safety related international organizations.
The target audience is:
General case:
- One representative from the regulatory body per Member State.
- One representative from host organization, ideally Host Plant Peer or equivalent.
- One representative from International Organisation, ideally “Peer Review” director or equivalent.
Specific case: organizations which host OSART mission regularly.
Two representatives:
- One from the NPP which last hosted an OSART mission, ideally Host Plant Peer.
- One from the NPP which plans to host an OSART mission, ideally Host Plant Peer.
The meeting is, in principle, open to all officially designated persons, at the same time, the IAEA may limit the total number of participants to ensure the effectiveness of meeting. It is recommended that interested persons take the necessary steps for the official designation as early as possible.
The typical topics of interest for this Technical Meeting are:
For host organizations:
OSART preparation phase:
- What good practices you would like to share?
- What difficulties host organization face?
OSART on-site implementation phase:
- What good practices you would like to share?
- What difficulties host organization face?
For host organisations and regulators:
OSART Outcomes:
- How has the OSART mission helped you to improve?
Please refer to the Information Sheet on the right for information on how to apply for this event via the InTouch+ platform (including information on submission of papers and presentations). The deadline for applications is 29 November 2024.
The event will be held at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), where the IAEA’s Headquarters are located. Participants must make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.