Technical Meeting on Experience in the Development of Leadership and Safety Culture Programmes in Member States
Fundamental Safety Principles, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, Principle 3: Leadership and management for safety states “Effective leadership and management for safety must be established and sustained in organizations concerned with, and facilities and activities that give rise to, radiation risks.”
Leadership and Management for Safety, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part establishes requirements for leadership, management, and culture for safety based on the interrelated concepts of all three elements.
Leadership, Management and Culture for Safety are key factors contributing to operational safety and to safety in pre-operational phases. The understanding and capability to implement leadership, management and culture for safety programmes are crucial for Member States operating different types of facilities or preparing for nuclear power programmes.
The leadership, management and culture for safety programmes and tools should be defined, established, maintained, and improved in all important organizations like operating organizations, regulatory bodies, nuclear energy programme implementing organization (NEPIO) and other organizations, using a graded approach.
The objective of the event is to provide a platform for Member States to exchange information on the state-of-the art knowledge and experience on leadership, management and safety culture programmes as well as challenges related to these programmes.
The meeting has the following primary objectives:
- To share lessons learned in development of leadership, management and culture for safety programmes for different types of facilities and activities
- To collect Member States’ experience and information concerning regulation in the leadership, management and culture for safety area
- To discuss the leadership, management and culture for safety topics relevant to advanced evolutionary and innovative reactors including challenges.
Target Audience
The event is targeted at professionals from different types of facilities and activities, e.g. staff members of operating organizations, regulatory bodies, vendors, design and engineering organizations, etc. with specialized knowledge of, or experience in, leadership, management and culture for safety area.
The event is, in principle, open to all officially designated persons. The IAEA, however, reserves the right to restrict participation due to limitations imposed by the available meeting facilities. It is, therefore, recommended that interested persons take the necessary steps for the official designation as early as possible.
To ensure maximum effectiveness in the exchange of information, participants should be actively involved in the subject of the event.
Participants of this Technical Meeting are expected to deliver an oral presentation supported by a MS PowerPoint presentation. The length of the presentation may vary from 15 – 30 minutes.
The event will address recent experiences in Member States in specific areas related to the leadership, management and culture for safety programmes with a focus on safety considerations. Topics to be covered will include, but not be limited to:
- Development and implementation of programme for efficient leadership for safety
- Development and implementation of safety culture framework (model, programme)
- Development of regulation in the leadership, management and culture for safety area and related regulatory oversight
- Safety culture assessment
- Addressing leadership and safety culture programmes in management system
Expected practise to address leadership, management and safety culture requirements in deployment of advanced evolutionary and innovative reactors including challenges.
Key Deadlines
12 May 2023: Submission of presentation topic via email to Scientific Secretary.
31 May 2023: Submission of the Participation Form (Form A) and Grant Application Form (Form C).
The event will be held at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) where the IAEA’s Headquarters are located. Participants must make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.