Technical Meeting on the Use of Best Practices for Ocean Acidification Experiments in Multi-Stressor Scenarios
The IAEA Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC) promotes international collaboration and coordination to address ocean acidification. Among its many activities, the OA-ICC. facilitates the development of standardized protocols, methods and tools for ocean acidification research to ensure the quality and comparability of results. To that end, it also promotes the use and development of guidelines and protocols, including those developed by SCOR Working Group 149, for both newcomers and established scientists working in the field, as well as training using these tools.
The objectives of this event are to become familiar with the modes of learning available in the new SCOR WG149 web-based best practice guide. This best practice guide will provide a valuable platform to test methods and best practices for ocean acidification studies within a multi-stressor context that were developed at an IAEA Technical Meeting held in Monaco in June 2017, and to train the participants in their use.