61st IAEA General Conference
18 – 22 September 2017, Vienna International Centre, Vienna
Registration is open as of 18 August 2017 for designated representatives from IAEA Member States and invited non-Member States and organizations.
Registration should be completed at the latest by 12 September 2017.
Journalists must register through the IAEA Office of Public Information and Communication (OPIC) Press Office.
IAEA Conferences and Meetings App
The IAEA Conferences and Meetings App provides a one-stop access to information on the IAEA General Conference, the Scientific Forum and scheduled side events. The app also allows users to put together their own personalized schedule of events and activities related to the General Conference, as well as access to up-to-date programme information of related events. It also provides updates on the speakers' list for the Plenary and the starting times for sessions of the Plenary and the Committee of the Whole. Power point presentations that have been approved for public release can also be viewed through the app, which is available free for both IOS and Android devices.
For iPhone or iPad users, get your free download through the Apple iTunes Store; those with Android devices can visit the Google Play Store
Greening the General Conference
The 61st IAEA General Conference is going green. To demonstrate its commitment to sustainability, the IAEA will organize the conference as a green meeting according to the guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel. This means that the IAEA will keep the ecological impact of the General Conference as low as possible. The Vienna International Centre is already a workplace that is powered by carbon neutral electricity from 100% renewable sources. There will be a focus on the areas of paper smart documentation, waste reduction and recycling, and environmentally friendly catering.
The IAEA as organizer will contribute to making the General Conference a Green Meeting. Delegates can have a role in this endeavour and are encouraged to choose environmentally friendly options when planning their participation. Small actions can make a big difference: choosing environmentally certified accommodation, giving feedback via the IAEA Conference and Meetings app, sorting waste for recycling, and returning name badges - these will all help to reduce the environmental impact. Information on how to effectively contribute to climate protection, both locally and globally can be found here.
Vienna has an efficient network of public transport - buses, trains, trams and underground lines - that covers most of the city. The IAEA encourages participants to make full use of these greener modes of transportation: a 10% discount for a 5-day ticket has been arranged for participants.
Advance Information for Delegations
Information about the General Conference, as well as other events organized in conjunction with the Conference's Session is available here.
The Provisional Agenda and a list of documents for the General Conference are posted as they become available.
For past sessions, see the GC Archives.
Member States wishing to take part in the exhibition programme being organized within the framework of the 61st regular session of the IAEA General Conference in September 2017 are kindly invited to submit their requests for space, together with the title and a short description of the concept and content of their planned exhibition, to the Infrastructure Committee as soon as possible using the General Conference Exhibition Request Form. The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2017.
When planning their exhibition, Member States are kindly reminded that they should adhere to the Agency’s Guidelines for Member States’ Exhibitions during the General Conference, and the Guidelines for Exhibitions at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) which was distributed to Permanent Missions on 29 April 2013.
Additional information may be obtained from the Infrastructure Committee or the Exhibitions Contact Point at the Conference Services Section (MTCD/CSS).
The updated list of approved exhibitions is available here.
Live Streaming at the General Conference
General Conference Sessions at the Plenary Hall, including the opening statements of officials and delegates, will be streamed live during the whole week of the General Conference. Sessions of the Scientific Forum will also be streamed live beginning on Tuesday 19 September 2017. Links to the video streaming service will be provided on the opening day. More →
Earphones (i.e., mobile phones, tablets) can be plugged into the receiver devices available in all board, conference and meeting rooms.
Participants at the General Conference
A provisional list of participants for the General Conference will be made available here.
Scientific Forum
A Scientific Forum will be held in conjunction with the 61st General Conference - entitled Nuclear Techniques in Human Health: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment - from 19 to 20 September 2017. More →
Side Events
In light of the increasing number of side events organized on the margins of the General Conference, and given the limited number of meeting space available within the Vienna International Centre (VIC), it has become necessary to issue the present guidelines with the view to streamlining the submission and processing of side events requests received from Member States.
The updated list of approved side events is available here.
Statements during the General Debate
As part of the efforts to streamline the work of the General Conference, the Conference in 2016 decided to change the time limit on statements during the general debate to 7 minutes for representatives of all Member States and observers as of the sixty-first regular session of the General Conference.
Renting of Delegation Offices at Austria Center Vienna (ACV)
To rent delegation offices at the ACV, please contact Friedrich Gehmacher.
Visits Organized in Conjunction with the Conference
Registration for all side visits should be made at the Information Desk, M Building entrance, ground floor.