IAEA Member States' Access to the OECD/NEA Data Bank
Reinstatement of Code Request Services to IAEA Member States via the NEA Data Bank
Pursuant to the reinstatement of a Memorandum of Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) related to the provision of services of the NEA Data Bank (NEA DB), IAEA Member States are advised that the NEA DB has recommenced distribution of nuclear computer codes and processed nuclear data libraries (NEA DB codes) to eligible IAEA Member States effective 2 September 2024.
The service resumption is:
- Solely provided through the NEA DB and is limited to IAEA Member States that are neither NEA nor OECD Member countries, upon request. Any existing service provided to NEA DB participating countries remains unchanged.
- Applicable to all NEA DB codes except for those originating from the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory having package references starting with CCC, DLC, or PSR. For said RSICC codes, nationals of IAEA Member States are advised to contact RSICC directly.
All IAEA Member States fulfilling the above criteria are invited to consult the Guidelines to Request Access to NEA DB Codes.
IAEA Member States having further questions on the service are invited to address any inquiries to the NEA DB at the email address programs@oecd-nea.org or to the IAEA International Nuclear Information System Secretariat (INIS Secretariat) at the email address INIS.Feedback@iaea.org.