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Daud Mohamad

IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications

Daud Mohamad

Daud Mohamad was appointed Deputy Director General and Head of Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, effective 1 January 2011. Prior to joining IAEA Director General Amano's senior management team, Mr. Daud held the position of Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) since September 2004. He had joined Nuclear Malaysia in 1978 and was one of the pioneer staff of the organization.

From 2008 to 2010, Mr. Daud served on the IAEA's Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Applications (SAGNA), and from 2001 to 2010 on the Steering Committee on Training and Education in Radiation Protection and Waste Safety. He has taken part in many expert missions to Member States that related to self-reliance and sustainability programmes of nuclear institutions in Asia and the Pacific under the framework of the IAEA.

Mr. Daud has been actively involved with non-governmental organizations in the field, serving as the President of Malaysia Radiation Protection Association (MARPA) and the Malaysian Association of Research Scientist (MARS).

Mr. Daud holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the Universiti Kebangsaan in Malaysia, a Master of Science degree from the McMaster University in Canada, and a PhD in High Level Radioactive Waste Management from the University of Glasgow/Scottish Universities Research Reactor Centre in the UK. He has published more than 70 technical papers and was Chief Editor for the book entitled Nuclear Science and Technology.

More information on the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications →

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