The Texts of the Agency's Relationship Agreements with Specialized Agencies
The texts of the relationship agreements which the Agency has concluded with the specialized agencies listed, together with the respective protocols authenticating them, are reproduced in the order which the agreements entered into force, for the information of all Members of the Agency...
Revisions and Addendums
The Texts of the Agency's Relationship Agreements with Specialized Agencies
10 April 1962
The text of the relationship agreement which the Agency has concluded with the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, together with the protocol authenticating it, is reproduced for the information of all Members of the Agency...

The Texts of the Agency's Relationship Agreements with Specialized Agencies
1 March 1988
The text of the relationship agreement with the Agency has concluded with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, together with the protocol regarding its entry into force, is reproduced for the information of all Members of the Agency...