The Texts of the Agency's Agreements with the Republic of Austria
The texts of the following agreements and supplementary agreements between the Agency and the Republic of Austria are reproduced for the information of all Members of the Agency...
Revisions and Addendums
28 February 1962
Supplemental Agreement on the Establishment of an Agency Commissary...

29 March 1965
A further supplemental agreement to the Headquarters Agreement...

21 February 1968
Agreement Concerning the Social Insurance of Officials of the Agency...

8 March 1973
Supplemental Agreement on the Establishment of an Agency Commissary...

12 December 1975
The texts of six agreements concluded between the Agency and the Republic of Austria as a result of the location of the Agency's headquarters in Austria, which were in force on 31 October 1975, are reproduced for the information of all Members...

1 January 1983
The texts of seven agreements concluded between the Agency and the Republic of Austria, as well as between the Agency, the United Nations and the Republic of Austria, are reproduced for the information of all Members...

1 July 1990
The text of the agreement between the Agency and the Republic of Austria regarding the Laboratories operated by the Agency at Seibersdorf, which was approved by the Agency's Board of Governors on 24 February 1982, is reproduced for the information of all Members...

19 February 1996
A further supplemental agreement to the Headquarters Agreement…

14 May 1999
The document reproduces the text of the Exchange of Letters, dated 8 January 1999 and 27 January 1999 respectively, between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria and the IAEA, constituting a supplementary agreement to the Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the IAEA regarding the Headquarters of the IAEA. The aforementioned Agreement entered into force on 8 February 1999