Analysis of Options and Experimental Examination of Fuels for Water-Cooled Reactors with Increased Accident Tolerance
Closed for proposals
Project Type
Project Code
2018Approved Date
Start Date
Expected End Date
Completed Date
24 April 2019Participating Countries
Globally, there is a great deal of experience with the performance of reactor fuel in off-normal conditions. Theoretical studies and experiments have been performed and there have been excursions form normal operating conditions in a few power reactors. During such an excursion, the difference between an incident of limited or no consequence and a severe accident, such the one at Fukushima, depends on the conditions in the reactor and the performance of the fuel under those conditions. This CRP will explore the potential to design and operate advanced fuel types that are intended to be more tolerant of severe accident conditions whilst retaining the capability of current fuel designs for safe operation under normal operation and anticipated transient conditions.
To support options for the development of nuclear fuel with an increased tolerance to severe accident conditions.
Specific objectives
To acquire data through experiments on new fuel types and cladding materials to support their use for fuel with improved accident tolerance.
To acquire data through experiments on new fuel types and cladding materials to support their use for fuel with improved accident tolerance.
To support modelling of new fuel designs with advanced cladding or fuel.
The CRP efficiently supported the Member States in their efforts to analyse and better understand the behaviour of accident tolerant fuels in both normal operation and accident conditions through producing and sharing experimental data and best practices in application of fuel modelling computer codes.
Network of experts has been established to continue to address the technical issues associated with the ATF materials and application of fuel performance codes and SA codes to ATF.
The CRP enhanced Member States' capabilities in modelling, predicting and improving the understanding of the behaviour of nuclear fuel under accident conditions, in response to the Member States' request expressed in Resolution GC(61)/RES/11 (Part B. Nuclear power applications) on Strengthening the Agency's activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications, § 1 Op(14) .
It also contributed to the objective of the IAEA Project Nuclear power reactor fuel engineering and performance, to support IAEA Member States to understand and address factors affecting the design, fabrication and in-pile behaviour of currently operated and innovative nuclear fuels and materials for power reactors.